About the work
This is a gentle and effective way of unraveling deeply held muscle patterns and releasing the emotional patterns connected with that holding. The work may bring up memories or emotions that have been held unconscious in the body. Rosen work uses non-intrusive touch, breath, and awareness to release constriction and create deep relaxation, balance, and a sense of freedom. It can benefit people who have physical pain, postural problems, suffer from stress, are receiving psychotherapy, and those seeking psycho-spiritual growth.
Why is Rosen Method Bodywork so effective?
RMB is deceptively simple. Practitioners do not manipulate tissues nor do they have a goal to change or fix the tension or pain. Clients are merely guided toward present moment experience the body sensations and emotions linked to chronically tense and painful areas. Marion Rosen’s clinical practice led her to discover that once these links are made in the client’s self- awareness, the body can repair itself, leading to improvements in health, well-being, and interpersonal relationships.
“Once the barriers (to feeling) are removed, growth will take place as a direct result, without effort or help from the outside . . . Rosen Method practitioners are ‘midwives’ who bring about the opening in patients . . . That is all we do.” (Rosen & Brenner, 2003, pp. 12-13).
Although Marion restricted her practice to being a “midwife” for the client’s emerging feelings, she found that as a result, clients gained self-confidence, a new outlook on their lives, improved in their interpersonal relationships and in some cases were able to access spiritual qualities like forgiveness, surrender, and acceptance (Rosen & Brenner, 2003; Wright, 2011).